Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Newspaper Sale: Sunday Oklahoman

If you have not been a subscriber to the Daily or Sunday Oklahoman within 30 days, you can take advantage of this deal on Thursday, February 11 from 8 am to 8 pm.

$13.78 for Wednesday and Sunday Paper for 13 Weeks.

Also, if you would like, you could have 26 weeks for $27.56 or the year for $55.12.

Call 405- 475-4065 for details!
Just thought I would give you all the heads up on this, as those coupons that come in my paper every Sunday are the highlight of my week (well not really, but I sure do enjoy seeing the new coupons every week)


OK Chick said...

I'm a big fan of the paper...but only for the coupons. HA!