HCG Diet Update: Phase 2… Almost complete!

by Shannon on May 12, 2010 · 11 comments

Here it goes, last day of Phase 2 VLCD, so far I have survived not cheating since Saturday Nights Flop at the Ball Park, ate Hideaway Pizza.. Bad Bad girl, and had a Cocktail, and then gained 2 pounds! OMG.. this diet is totally tricky, however since that night, I have stuck to it, and have lost about 4 pounds since the weeked, for a total weight loss since November 28, 2010… OF 49.5 pounds! So I just say 50 pounds…LOL. I weighted this morning at 148.6 pounds, lowest I have weighted in YEARS! Even when I was on my weight loss kick back in 2003 before my Papa died I think I was around 160 ish.

Oh, and today, I took son to McDonalds and did not eat one of his french fries! Gosh, it was hard…
but I did it. Because “Nothing tastes as good as Thin Feels” have no idea who said this. Really the phrase is a bit annoying but it has helped some!

So, I am so close to my goal weight. Was 145 pounds, now I think I am going for 135 pounds. For now, I will try to take on the Maintance phase which is really basically no carbs or sugars. So, anyways we will see how that goes!

Remember weight loss is a process, and is not easy. If you are struggling right now, I have been there. One thing this diet has done for me, is help me realize I do have self control, and I feel a since of accomplishment. Thanks Beth for introducing me to this diet, you have been an inspiration and I feel like I have the old me back!

I am sure I will continue to weight around 148 to 149 tomorrow and hope to maintain about a 150 during maintance phase.

Picture above is me, taken today by my 4 yo son! I don’t have many pic’s of myself but thought I would share.

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  • Erin

    Kate Moss said that infamous phrase!! Mary Kathryn told me about your website and I am thinking about trying this diet so I have been reading your posts! I love how honest you are about everything!


  • Shannon "Coupon Princess"

    Thanks for that info and for reading my blog ; ). I will keep you all updated on what happens next…


  • Chan

    Congrats Shannon!


  • Trish



  • Shannon "Coupon Princess"

    Thanks, it has been an interesting journey!


  • Shannon "Coupon Princess"

    Thanks, it has been an interesting journey!


  • Beth (2babies1momma)

    Oh my gosh, Shannon, you look HOTT! HOTT MAMA! I like that quote. I just need to get back to feeling thin again. It's funny how gaining a few pounds can take you from feeling thin. I'm proud of your will power. I need to find mine again! And now you are an inspiration to me!


  • Suzanne

    Congratulations! How wonderful. I'm on p2day 14 and am down 8.8 lbs. I had some stalling and this weekend messed up because I sold some cakes for graduation and ended up tasted the frosting…and then retasting…:) But back on tonight.


  • Keeping My Cents

    Can you wear makeup and use lotions of phase 3?


  • Shannon "Coupon Princess"

    Keeping my Cents,
    Yes, you are not on the HCG anymore, then lotions and makeup should be perfectly fine! Good Luck to ya.


  • LJS1874

    I am a friend of Lisa Gathright's and saw your post and website through her comments on FB. I want to thank you for taking the time to post your blog and provide info. I plan to give this a try and appreciate your honesty about this program.


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