Ready for a Diet Update?

by Shannon on March 5, 2010

Here it goes… this week. On Tuesday, I hit a brickwall, totally cheated. Honey, if you are reading this, yes I cheated on the diet.. that is why I am at a plateau of 160.4. I ate a danish, cookies, burritto, and a cheesarito from Taco Bell! Then before bed I ate a few more cookies! The next day I knew I would blow up and gain 10 pounds, which I only gained .2 instead (that was wednesday) I totally behaved ate like I was supposed to, gained .2 on Thursday and then on Friday still no weightloss. So, when you mess up, you do not lose weight! So my goal of 150 by next Friday, is probably not going to happen, but I am still hoping for 155.

Here is what I ate today:

1/2 Grapefruit, 1 hard boiled egg, 4 oz Filet Mignon grilled, cucumbers and vinegar, and strawberries with Truvia.

I am a boring eater on this diet, and I lack creativity. But I am surviving, I do think it is all worth it in the end. Social life will pick back up when the diet is over. The things I have learned along the way.

  • Self Control, just because you can eat it, does not mean you have too.
  • My favorite foods are not disappearing forever, I will get to eat them in moderation eventually.
  • You can have fun at a basketball game or out with friends without eating and drinking (that would be yummy cocktails) Tea or coffee instead.
  • Being a healthy weight, and not being exhausted walking upstairs is way worth the sacrifice.

Oh, on Friday March 12, I will begin the maintaining my new weight phase.. so 6 more days. Only 6 more days, and believe me these are going to be tricky…

Related posts:

  1. Diet Journal Update: Day 7, 8 and 9
  2. Diet HCG Round 2 Update: Day 1
  3. Update: HCG Diet Day 3 Results
  4. HCG Diet Update
  5. HCG diet Days 4, 5, and 6

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Anonymous March 6, 2010 at 10:02 pm

You are doing great!! You keep it up!You can do it!
I am on a diet to and I have lost 13 pds. I have along way to go. I was thinking of trying your diet but it is so extreme I think I would have been cheating way before you did. I can understand you being bored with the choices you have.
You hang in there ok?



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